. brightmeadowknits: August 2012

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Interesting news from Cornell University, they are simulating knitting in computer graphics. Think of the possibilities for pattern designs!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Wolcott Mill Demo

I demonstrated Kool-Aid dyeing of sock blanks today at Wolcott Mill.  The visitors were either very interested or very polite. 

I took my punchcard standard gauge machine and demonstrated it.  Most people had never seen one before.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

At the grocery store magazine rack, I was perusing a few of the sewing magazines. I noticed several had articles this month about "sweater knits", suggesting that the reader go to a thrift store and find a sweater to upcycle and embellish with bias trim and other fabric additions.

I wondered why we couldn't just knit yardage instead of searching for a sweater in thrift shop, then use the same techniques.

Since I don't know how many knitters either read or subscribe to sewing magazines, I thought perhaps I should share.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

I joined a knit club tonight in Richmond, Michigan at the Sew Together quilt shop.  What a delightful group of ladies!  I am looking forward to the next meeting. 

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Harvest and Corn Days

I will be demonstrating spinning, machine knitting, and possibly dyeing with natural dyes, at the Wolcott Mill Farm Park Metropark in Ray Township, MI on August 25 and 26.  Please stop by and visit if you are in the area.