. brightmeadowknits: June 2007

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Reading about knitting.

I found a book Knitting Lessons, Tales from the Knitting Path, by Lela Nargi, in the overstocks bin at a local store. I was thrilled, and snapped it up. I've been reading about knitting today instead of knitting!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Machine pattern index

Dancing Barefoot has just posted on the Machine knitter's list that she has gathered up an index of free patterns on the web. There is a link on her blog. I have helpfully posted her blog as a link on my blog!

Travelling socks

I have been working on the travelling socks - while travelling. I think about 3 or 4 more rounds on each one - then I can start decreasing for the toes. I am using the pattern from Nancy Bush's Knitting on the Road book. I think I made the legs a little longer than the pattern called for. I was surprised by the toe pattern: not having read all the way through the pattern, I didn't realize that it calls for a decrease on each of four needles up to the end, rather than the usual paired decreases on top and bottom. I can put off the decision of whether or not to deviate from the printed pattern for a few more rounds, then will have to decide!