. brightmeadowknits: How much yarn?

Saturday, December 12, 2020

How much yarn?

I'm reposting this information from my old web page.  I had to go into the Internet Archive to find it.  I updated it to include the Craft Yarn Council descriptions which can be found here. 

Yarn Info

How much yarn to buy?  


How much yarn do you buy to knit a sweater?  I guess the answer is really pretty simple:  or maybe not.  If you're in the store, and you see a yarn you absolutely have to have, buy at least a dozen skeins.  That's the simple answer.   The complicated one is buy pretty close to what you need.  I've compiled the information below from a lot of different sources and they didn't all agree.  I've tried to even out the numbers so they make sense.   So if your knitting pattern calls for a particular yarn or a particular number of skeins, please use it as the primary source for determining how much yarn to buy.  It always pays to buy 10 percent more than you think you will need.  You can always knit a hat or mittens or socks with the leftovers.  But, if you run out on the left sleeve, you're in trouble!

Number of yards given is for a long-sleeved sweater.  You can subtract 10 percent for short sleeves or 20% for sleeveless.   Please note for special yarns like chenille or mohair, the length will be much greater per lb because of their great loftiness. 

The cardinal rule is - ALWAYS make a swatch! The numbers given are a rule of thumb.   Variations can occur due to humidity, tension, type of yarn, and a hundred other factors.

Approximate Gauge 4"32+ s   x24 - 32s x20-24s x16 - 20s x 26 r12-16s  x8-12s  x
Needle Size00-22-44-67-910-10 1/214-15
Cotton approx yds/lb420021001260840  
Cotton10/25/23/22/2 or 1/1  
Wool approx yds/lb672028001200-18001020560300
worsted(wool,acrylic)1/13  or 2/242/13 , 3/15 , 1/5.52/7.5, 3/11 ,  1/3.53/6.4 , 4/8,  1/23/4 , 1/11/.5
ShetlandCobwebLace WeightJumper Weight3 Ply yarn4 Ply yarnChunky

Craft Yarn Council    
Baby or Lace 

           0 - 1



Bulky, Aran

4 - 5
Very Bulky, Icelandic
XL 20001800160014001200
XXL or man's  2000180016001400

***Distelfink- or thistle finch, more commonly known as goldfinch, symbolizes good luck to German-Americans.  He is perched on a thistle, which is a symbol of hard work and perseverance. The goldfinch is a bird of the bright meadow, not of the dark wood.


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