. brightmeadowknits: New/old group

Sunday, September 16, 2012

New/old group

I've joined a machine knitters group in Metro Detroit area.  I'm not sure if it has a name!  There were six ladies, including me, at the meeting on Saturday.  This is a splinter group from a previous Southfield, MI group that is no longer active.  Meetings 3rd Saturday of every month.


Unknown said...

I'm interested in a machine knitters group in the greater Detroit area. could you give me the name of the group?

Brightmeadowfarms said...

Sorry, I need to configure this thing to send me mail when I get a comment!

The group is very small and doesn't have a name. They meet on the third Saturday of the month in Bloomfield Hills at Go Daddy's restaurant on Woodward at 11:00. Except no meeting this month, which would have been today.

Friend brightmeadow with your contact information in ravelry and I will send you more information