One skein was enough for both socks, but to keep pattern consistent, I rewound from the center of the ball into a new ball until I had at least 13 repeats of the color sequence. (Actually I did 12, and had to make a patch for the last.... ah, such is life!)
Cast on 56 stitches evenly (14 stitches per needle) over 4 needles, using a stretchy cast-on such as the Continental Long-tail cast on. Join into round, being careful not to twist stitches. The join is the center back of the sock.
K 1 round, then work in K1, P1 rib for 13 rows. P 1 round. Begin pattern rows as follows:
Needle 1: Knit
Needle 2: 1st ten stitches form cable. Last four are knitted.
Needle 3: 1st four stitches knitted, last ten stitches form cable.
Needle 4: Knit.
Row 1: P1, K2, K2 tog and leave on needle, K first st again, slip both sts off needle (stitch travels to right); k second st tbl, k first st, slip both sts off needle (stitch travels to left) , K2, P1
Row 2: P1, K1, K2 tog and leave on needle, K first st again, slip both sts off needle;K2;k second st tbl, k first st, slip both sts off needle,K1, P1
Row 3: P1, K2 tog and leave on needle, K first st again, slip both sts off needle; P1, K2, P1 ;k second st tbl, k first st, slip both sts off needle, P1.
Row 4: Repeat Row 3
Row 5: P1, k second st tbl, k first st, slip both sts off needle (stitch travels to left); K4; K2 tog and leave on needle, K first st again, slip both sts off needle (stitch travels to right); P1
Row 6: P1, K1; k second st tbl, k first st, slip both sts off needle; K2; K2 tog and leave on needle, K first st again, slip both sts off needle; K1; P1
Row 7: P1, K2; k second st tbl, k first st, slip both sts off needle; K2 tog and leave on needle, K first st again, slip both sts off needle;K2; P1
Repeat rows 5 - 7 until sock measures 6 inches. (I had 12 repeats), ending last round ready to begin needle #4.
Turn heel:
Begin with first stitch on needle #4. Knit 14 stitches on needle #4 and 14 stitches on needle #1 onto one needle, turn. P28, turn. These stitches form the heel flap. The remaining 28 stitches on needles 2 and 3 will be held for the instep.
Row 1: *Sl 1, k1; repeat from *
Row 2: Sl 1, P27.
Repeat these 2 rows 13 more timesfor a total of 14 chain stitches at each edge of heel flap.
Take a break, I'll post the 2nd half of the instructions tomorrow!
It's important to try the sock on as you reach the end. You don't want to do all your decreases and finish the toe, cut your yarn, and then find out it is 1/2 inch too short.
I made this baby romper for my sister who just had a baby. Little Elijah weighed 10 lbs. 14 oz. when he was born, so he MAY be able to wear it once before he grows out of it. Must remember to heed DH's advice next time - MAKE IT BIG!!!
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