OK, we left off halfway through the heel.
Turn heel.
Row 1: Sl 1, K15, ssk, k1, turn.
Row 2: Sl 1, p5, p2tog, p1, turn.
Row 3: Sl 1, knit to within one st of the gap, ssk, k1, turn
Row 4: Sl 1, purl to within one st of the gap, p2tog, p1, turn.
Repeat rows 3 and 4 until all heel sts are worked, ending last repeat of row 3 with the SSK, and last repeat of Row 4 with the P2tog. There are 16 heel stitches.
Heel gussets.
Knit 16 heel sts, pick up and knit 14 chain sts along right side of heel flap. Work 28 instep sts, following established pattern. With an empty needle, pick up and knit 14 sts along left side of heel flap, k 8 sts from heel needle. There should be 22 sts on needles #1 and #4, 14 sts on needles #2 and #3.
Round 1: Work to 3 sts from end of needle #1, k2tog, k1. Work instep sts in established pattern. K1, ssk at beginning of needle #4, work to end.
Round 2: With CC2, work even.
Repeat last two rounds until there are 14 sts on needles #1 and #3, 56 total sts.
Continue in established pattern until foot measures 3 inches less than desired finished length.
Shape toe.
Work 3 rounds in stockinette stitch.
Begin decrease:
Round 1: Work to 3 sts from end of needle #1, k2tog, k1. K1, ssk at beginning of needle #2, work to end of needle. Work to 3 sts from end of needle #3, K2tog, K1. K1, ssk at beginning of needle #4, work to end.
Round 2: Work even.
Repeat the last 2 rounds until there are 7 sts on each needle. Work Round 1 (the decrease round) only until there are 8 sts remaining, 2 on each needle. Break yarn, leaving a 12-inch tail. Choice 1: Place the sts from needles 1 and #4 on one needle, and the otehr 4 sts onto another needle. Kitchener stitch these sts together. or Choice 2: Just put the tail onto a darning needle and run through all stitches twice, then darn in end (backstitch) through a stitch or two, securing tail. Cut off close to stitching.
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